Lend Me Your Voice: a freedom anthology

Lend Me Your Voice
Lend Me Your Voice: a freedom anthology

Author: Angela Burchett
Digital Download: 34 pages (Paperback version coming soon)
Cost: $0.00 (release special June 3-5; regularly priced on Kindle: $2.99, paperback: $7.99)
Publisher: Whole Soul Enterprises
ISBN-13: 978-0-692-11019-5


I would like to say thank you to Angela Burchett, the author of this book, for allowing me the space to share a review of this remarkable work and to be a part of your journey. I can’t wait to see all that’s in store for you!

I don’t imagine you have heard of Angela just yet, but you soon will. She is an author and a humanitarian whose work in non-profit organizations has spanned her entire adult life. This work has helped our fellow human beings walk into the light of real, physical freedom (not to mention emotional, mental, and spiritual freedom) and grow to recognize their own worth in a world that has disrespected, degraded, and abused them beyond our wildest imagination.

She chose to write Lend Me Your Voice in response to human trafficking and sexual exploitation in the world today – to give a voice to those 30 million+ humans who live as the dregs of society under the real and actual ownership of other humans, who are regularly bought and sold in the same way that we buy our morning Starbucks.

Before jumping straight into the review, I want to take the opportunity to share with you one woman’s story of being trapped in sex slavery in order for us to peer into this dark world and gain some context.

I wish I could say that Sadhna’s story is an isolated incident, but nothing about it is isolated. This doesn’t only happen to a select few, this doesn’t only happen in Kolkata. There are millions of men, women, and children being sold against their will every day to have their bodies abused by other people. This happens in every country in the world, including the United States. Dallas, D.C., London, Paris, Bangkok, Tokyo. Every corner has the reprehensible act of slavery happening to PEOPLE.

Lend Me Your Voice is an anthology of 14 poems written to convey to the reader what is occurring in the hearts and minds of people trapped in sexual exploitation. The author does not hold back anything here. No, every bit of grit and reality that those who suffer experience every day, that we are so very protected from in our own lives, is present here and displayed in heart-wrenching view for all to see.

The author, however, does not leave you with only the horrid and painful struggles that these people go through every day. She also offers hope – hope for the victims and for us. Shared in Lend Me Your Voice‘s encouraging, final poem, “Rise,” for those who are being trafficked, hope does exist; it exists in the idea that love will find these people and shine a light in the darkness of their current state. For us, this book is a call to action: We must not ignore, we must not turn away. We must acknowledge people as people and run after those who are imprisoned in slavery, throwing off the chains that bind them.

I highly recommend that if you do nothing else today, pick up this book. As of this review, the digital download is free. Lend Me Your Voice may be small, and the prospect of ending slavery in the world may be a giant, but sometimes it takes a small thing throwing a smooth stone at a giant to bring down an entire army that is lined up against you. This book is willing where others are silent. This author is brave where others are frightened.

Grade: A+


New Book Review Coming Tomorrow!

coming soon

Hey all! It’s been so long since I’ve posted anything on here. Well, let me tell you, it’s been a longing in my heart to get this thing back up and running. I’ve tried in the past, but each time it’s been difficult to get back to what I had several years ago now.

Now, I’ve got something that has to be posted! I have an advanced copy of a book in my possession that will be released tomorrow. This book is powerful and has the real potential to make a big impact in the world!

I can’t wait to share it with you in the morning!



I’ve discovered that homework is not the same as I remember. Now that I’m in a grad program, I have so much homework that I barely can find time to do it. I came up to Criswell’s library today to read a few hundred pages and work on two papers. Right now I am merely taking a short break to express my discontent in my ability to get all the work done that I’d like. Maybe I will get the hang of this soon.


The Big News

A few days ago I mentioned that I had some big news that I couldn’t quite share yet. Well, now I am free to do so. I am now working (part-time) at my church as their Worship Producer! Basically, this job is to manage the people and programs involved in sound, lights, video, stage set-up, and whatever else I can help with. It takes some pressure off of the Worship Director to get through that area so that she can focus on the band, choir, lead vocals, etc.

I am very excited to step into this role as I can help make Sunday morning services (and other special events) happen. It also gets my foot in the door to see what ministry looks like behind-the-scenes.


Working On Something

On an unrelated note from what I wrote the other day, I am working on a new blog post (possibly series of posts) that is the biggest thing I’ve done here since I’ve returned to the blogoverse. I do hope you will check back tomorrow afternoon/evening to see what I’m working on, as I will be sharing my heart on what has been going on in my life over the past couple years and what I’m thinking about for the future. I would certainly welcome dialogue on this subject (as I know there will be many differing views across the board).


Big News

I’ve got some big news that I can’t share just yet, but that I am very excited about. I thought I’d simply throw out this little tease in the meanwhile. Be on the lookout for a post in the near future (maybe this week) on just what kind of news it is!


German Study

Dr. Black has an excellent view on understanding the German language. He insists that the only way to truly master the language is to speak it. Might I suggest that if you have a desire to learn German, that you find a local group such as we have in the Dallas area. At some point in the next year or two I fully plan on attending these events in order to learn the language. I am also fortunate to have a friend who was born in Germany that I can practice with whenever I find time (and she is just about the sweetest servant of God one could hope to know)! Resources like these are invaluable!



It looks like I’m finally going to be able to go to the SBL annual meeting this year! I am so very excited to be able to finally make it! Are any of you going to be there? It’d be great to finally meet up with some of you!

After a few days there, I’ll be heading to Bowling Green, KY for some down home country Thanksgiving cooking at my grandparents’ house! This November is going to be simply amazing!


Thoughts on My First Two Days of Grad School

Yesterday, as you know, my mind was blown. I had my first class back at Criswell – Philosophy of Language. It was great, but I felt a little overwhelmed and, frankly, a little worried about Master level classes. Today has quelled those fears.

I had a NT intensive on Matthew as my first class today. It was awesome, but mainly because the prof is one of my all-time favorites – Dr. Metts! I was surprised to learn, however, that he favors Matthean priority of the gospels, and argues for a 43-45AD dating. He said he will touch on this more later and I am looking forward to it.

Finally, I had Reformation/Post-Reformation Theology with Dr. Bryant. I am one of three students in this one! Most of this first class he spent telling his story (which was awesome) and only barely touched on the major movers in the Reformations, but it looks to be a very interesting class.

All in all, I am very pleased, however I now remember that philosophy was never my forté. That is almost certainly why when class started yesterday that everything sounded so foreign. It’s not bad, but I will have to work particularly hard in there. Bring it on!


Mind Blown

I am now officially a grad student. I have attended my first class in Master’s level work and I find that I have a lot of catching up to do. Having been out of academia for about three years has apparently taken it’s toll (not to mention I’ve been awake since 3:30am), but I think I can make it. I’m just going to do a little bit at a time and I’ll get to where I need to be. In the meanwhile, I feel like my brain exploded.

That is all.